Cut the Closet Clutter

Save Time and Money with Organization

Has your disorganized closet reached its capacity and it is simply easier to throw another shirt on the floor rather than put it on a hanger? Then invest in a custom-designed closet to make the most use out of your space. In fact, a custom-designed closet can help create 30 – 40% more storage space!


In addition to maximizing useable space, a customized closet also:


Saves Time – Frantically looking for that black-patterned scarf or blue shirt, even if you’ll be several minutes late to work? With a custom-designed closet, everything has its place and valuable time isn’t wasted desperately searching for something hiding in the closet, helping to save five to seven minutes when getting ready in the morning.


Saves Money – No more duplicate purchases just because a pair of pants can’t be found. Also, fewer trips to the dry cleaners: Clothes don’t get as wrinkled when they’re not crammed in a closet.


Decreases Stress – Being late, stepping over clutter and searching for things at the last minute are stressful.Organization provides more control and less stress.


Increases Home Value – Whether moving in a few years or not, professionally custom-designed closets are high on the list of features homebuyers are looking for today.


So, quit throwing that shirt on the closet floor and reach for a new closet.